Tuesday, May 1, 2012


The first things that come to my mind...

1. Our upcoming vacation to Sea World! Little Hunt is going to have a BLAST. Fun in the Sun shirt- check. Sunscreen-check. Ready to get wet- check ('cause this kid is going to splash anything and everything...and anybody, including Mom and Dad!)

2. The "Save Button" party J and I had last night. I finally finished a huge portion of the Bubbling Within writing project, and hit a final "save" on the Mac. Whew. Yes, homemade chocolate chip cookies followed. Not quite the Paul Dufilho version, but Nestle makes a close second. Thanks, Josh, for having faith in me and preheating the oven before I actually finished proofing. :) One. More Time. 

3. Thrilled about the Bubbling Within curriculum getting out and touching the lives of women. Here's what one of my dear friends, Amanda, wrote after taking the study:

"One of the phrases that stuck out the most to me in the book was "If my mind can be preoccupied with problems, my mind can be preoccupied with promise.". So good.  Promise...at the time I first read that sentence, my mind was very preoccupied, and not with promise.  That didn't even seem a possibility and yet, Courtney's words of admonition were powerful.  I was reminded the power of my choices, particularly in attitude.  His word is overflowing with promises that are as alive for me today as they were thousands of years ago when first spoken, yet I live consumed with the problems of today.  Where' s the hope and victory in that?  I imagine the woman at the well was quite preoccupied on her daily walks, and the reality of her broken life consumed her, until she met a man of Promise.  Thank you Lord for Jesus!  So the phrase is now taped on my computer as a daily reminder of the choice I gave before me and the promise that awaits me."

Love you, Amanda! 

4. Excited I was asked to write an article in E-Newsletter for the Women's Ministry of Houston's First Baptist Church. Coming soon! 

5. A little overwhelmed but happy to decorate two little rooms for my kiddos this summer! I'll give you a preview of what Paisley's decor will be....inspired by Flora and Muse/Coffee and Flowers in City Centre. I'm calling it "Paisley's Petals and Parisian Tea Room." Ok, maybe just "Paisley's Petals." That sure is a mouth full! But, you get the idea. Here's a preview of some of the decor I've got going so far...

6. Looking forward to catching up with friends this summer. Hoping to finally meet my new cousin, Oliver:), spend time with friends, and have more backyard picnics with Hunt 
7. Excited to quiet my heart enough to listen to the birds outside for the moment. Taking in peace. Love it. 


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